
ThreeJS - Navigation Mesh

Screenshot Use RecastHelper to create a navigation mesh from ThreeJS geometry

  1. Add the threeJS library as folder three
  2. If you use npm install –save three, then change the importmap paths in example/index.html
  3. Import RecastHelper
    import { RecastHelper  } from "../recast/RecastHelper.js";
  4. Create a new instance of RecastHelper. If the path to recast.wasm is not ../recast/recast.wasm then add the path as a parameter to the constructor.
    const helper = new RecastHelper();
    //If path const helper = new RecastHelper(PATH_TO_RECAST.WASM);
  5. Pass the scene or a Group and Params (optional) to the createNavMesh method of the helper ``` helper.createNavMesh(scene, { cellSize: 0.03, regionMinSize: 0.5, agentRadius: 0.3, agentHeight: 1.5 });
6. createNavMesh is an async promise. Add a then. It will receive the created mesh. 

helper.createNavMesh(scene, { cellSize: 0.03, regionMinSize: 0.5, agentRadius: 0.3, agentHeight: 1.5 }).then( (mesh) => { if (mesh){ scene.add( mesh ); } }); ```

See the example for usage